15 Sided Biscornu


15 Sided Biscornu

6 sides down, 9 to go. This is going to be a 15 sided biscornu for my Mother in Law, she asked for some sewing accessories about a week before Christmas (didn’t give me much notice).  I made her a needlecase and scissor fob last year so I stitched a scissor case, a needleminder and a covered measuring tape so this is the last piece for her set (at the moment). It will be a surprise as she doesn’t know about it.

The pattern is a freebie from Stitch Creation. I’d been looking for inspiration for a pin cushion and this should be perfect (although a little bit different in design from the other pieces but I have used the same fabric and thread). She loves the biscornu that I’ve made (but I’m very attached to them  all even though I have quite a few now) so when I found this lovely pattern, I thought ooooh yes!!! I haven’t made a 15 sided before.

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